Friday, 19 May 2017


A imagem pode conter: 1 pessoa, sorrindo, texto

To every Human Family present on Facebook, we present a proposal... The Campaign - FACE CLEAN!

Many of us are aware that we are Energy Transforming Energy, and THAT We ​​Think, Feel and Speak generates Energy / Vibration, where it qualifies as POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. 

This qualified energy in any of these polarities reaches the target to which it was launched, whether it is launched to only one person or the Collective, however, we also know that in this aspect the Universe sends us back all the energy that we generate, POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE , And more than that, all the energy we generate acts directly in the Planetary Energy Field and consequently in the Collective Conscious, that is, either we are Healing or Contaminating our own Reality.

As we have long SEEN, the virtual atmosphere is deeply contaminated and compromised by publications and commentaries of the most diverse orders and origins that profoundly violate all the principles of Respect and Human Dignity, and in this aspect we do not need to deepen much, since we already know which are all facets of how and when and at what level such actions are manifested. "

If we want to improve our quality of life on an individual and collective level, if we want to heal our Nation and all this Beloved Planet ... first we have to heal ourselves, because the external is only a reflection of the already existing in our interior .

If we want to plant a Garden outside, we must first have planted this Garden inside ...

We can not promote peace by making war!

And it is in this energy of Love and construction of a New Earth, a World of Peace, Love and Prosperity for All, we invite you to take this new step in proposing to Clean and Heal the energetic atmosphere of Facebook by the Campaign FACE CLEAN  ðŸ™‚

🔵Proposal of the Campaign:

⭐ Do not publish offensive posts, misfortunes, shocking videos, diseases or any publication that promotes revolt, hatred or any other feeling of division ... publish only the Positive; make responsible and ethical approaches to any theme in a way that is truly productive and that seek to find the best solution for the collective within the principles of Love, and especially with the Awareness that all who today hurt the Planet and Society will be liable  for their Actions before Superior Consciences who have the proper authority for this process.

⭐ Send a Heart Figure in response to an uncomfortable comment or paste this banner below as an answer;

⭐Do not go into direct confrontation with comments with anyone under no circumstances, let each one follow their own personal beliefs, it is better to be in Peace than to be Right!

Want to change the World? 
Start for you ...

Be the Peace you want to see in the World!

If you share this same purpose, then MAKE VIRAL this Campaign - FACE CLEAN: 📡✨✨





  1. An upgrade of this campaign - Clean Social Network Campaign

    1. Thank you very much for letting us know: D

      We will update this post ...

      Victory of the Light <3
